Weekly Briefing No. 32

506 Words | (1) To Accomplish Your Goal Hire a Freelancer, (2) Update Your Amazon Book Page, and (3) Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About.

Only Hire For What Needs to Be Accomplished

Innovation: Buying only the amount of service you need when you need it.

Desired Outcome: Achieving your objectives with greater effectiveness and efficiency.

Two times in the last week, I was speaking with ministry leaders about contracting for results instead of hiring another employee. Now, both of these men are responsible stewards but felt they only had one tool to use and that was adding another staff member. Now, adding another staffer is an option but they both decided that a variable expense was much preferred to a fixed cost and temporary was more desirable than permanent. The most important aspect was that they were solving their problem and not having to add head count to accomplish it. Try one of the premiere freelance sites, Upwork, for some inspiration and posting jobs are free.

Understanding the second Most Important Search Engine on the Planet

Innovation: Tune up your Amazon product and author profile pages for search engine optimization.

Desired Outcome: Sell or give away more books, build your authority and improve your brand awareness.

If you or anyone at your church, ministry or Christian-owned business has a book (or thinking about publishing one) on Amazon, optimizing your product and author page can reap great rewards on Google and the other significant search engines. On the product page, you can tweak your keyword phrases, categories and descriptions. You can use Ubersuggest, a free tool to suggest the most popular keyword phrases in your specialty. You can adjust your categories to less crowded arenas and your description to include more relevant keywords (and don’t forget to include a subtitle as part of your title). For a Free Amazon Book Product Page Audit, send us your book link and we send you some specific recommendations to improve your product page.

Let’s Give them Something to Talk About 

Innovation: Delight people with something unexpected and they will not stop talking about you.

Desired Outcome: Start a buzz about your church, ministry and Christian-owned business.

Imagine a friend calls you and recommends a movie, restaurant, or an irresistible event at their church. Depending on the relationship, you are very likely to take your friend’s recommendation. On average we act on a personal recommendation 20-50 percent of the time. In other words, you are thousands of times more likely to respond than from any kind of advertisement. And this encouragement usually leads to action and quickly. Calvary Community Church of Westlake Village, California is getting caught doing something right with this event.

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Founder and Chief Culture Bender