
We are currently rethinking what Community should look like…and need your help. 

We have considered three options for creating a private Culture Bender community. They are (1) a private forum on this site, (2) a private Facebook page and (3) a private LinkedIn group.

There are pros and cons to each venue but to make it easiest for as many Culture Benders to participate as possible, we originally wanted to go where you already spending your time online. At first blush, Facebook and LinkedIn immediately seemed to bump the idea of a private forum on this site.

Obviously, Facebook is primarily used for relationship building with family and friends and LinkedIn is compartmentalized for our professional life. But, is there a better option?

Do you feel that we move away from these larger community venues and just consider creating smaller Advisory Groups instead? For a little more about Advisory Groups, please see Weekly Briefing No. 21.

In the meantime, please pray with us that the Lords calls the right people to engage and the quality and character of the participants is much more important than the size of the group.

If you have a question or would like to share another idea or opinion, please click here