Weekly Briefing No. 14

308 Words | (1) Delivering Disproportionate Value, (2) Being Bold and Courageous in Your Ministry, and (3) Is News of Your Ministry Travelling Free?

Deliver Disproportionate Value… Every time! 

Delivering disproportionate value does necessarily not mean over engineering your offering with excessive features and benefits. It could simply mean offering a minimally viable product with ridiculously extravagant customer service or helping someone beyond their immediate need by opening your wallet, calendar or Rolodex.

Innovation: Delight someone in need beyond their expectations.

Desired Outcome: To pay forward His unmerited grace and generosity.

Behind Every Ministry Innovation is a Courageous Decision

It takes courage to see the opportunity when giants and rumors of giants are in the land. Are you willing to identify an unmet need and offer a new solution? Something may appear scary or risky to others but being bold and courageous in ministry may open new doors to new adventures that could help bend culture back towards Jesus.

Innovation: Seeing beyond the status quo to new ways of serving well.

Desired Outcome: Be bold and courageous in innovation to serve others better.

News of Resonate Ministry Innovation Travels Quickly (and Free) 

The news of ministry relevance, resonance and impact travels quickly and freely. Jesus was that way, wasn’t He? People could just not stop talking about Him and His ministry. He saw the need, responded in a visible way that people would understand and appreciate and changed the world forever. How can we follow Him better to cause people to share the Good News (online and off)?

Innovation: Focus on the relevance, resonance and potential impact of your offering.

Desired Outcome: To serve better by focusing on the relevance, resonance and impact.

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Founder and Chief Culture Bender