Weekly Briefing No. 10

314 Words | (1) Get Over Yourself and Help Others, (2) Not Everyone Loves Innovation, and (3) Joy Proms’ Success Shines a Light on Church Need.

Get Over Yourself and Help Others

Do you remember the first four words Rick Warren started his seminal book, The Purpose Driven Life with? “It’s not about you” was insightful and shocking and truer today than ever. The same is true for innovation. Innovators who get beyond themselves develop more authentic solutions, serve people better and God is glorified.

Innovation: Putting others first will help you go further faster in Kingdom service.

Desired Outcome: Demonstrating your love for God and others through creating new solutions to old problems.

Not Everyone Loves Innovation

It should not surprise us that some people do not like innovation. It messes with the status quo, it messes with process and it messes with predictability. They most especially do not like it if they did not invent it or cannot see the advantage of the new way of doing it. Consider running a test or pilot quietly until the innovation can be proven out.

Innovation: Incubate ideas outside, celebrate inside once they are proven out.

Desired Outcome: Innovate new programs without irritating your existing stakeholders.

Joy Proms’ Success Shines a Light on Church Need

The Tim Tebow Foundation is sponsoring 375 Night to Shine proms (in coordination with local churches) for people with special needs. They are anticipating 1,000 next year. The success of the Joy Proms has created a new problem for the Church and that is there are few churches welcoming these families to church the next Sunday. Go Tim!

Innovation: Equipping local churches to welcome people affected by disability.

Desired Outcome: For the church to be known as a place to go for people in need of community.

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Founder and Chief Culture Bender